Job Application Challenge: Day 2

Job Application Challenge: Day 2

How do I kick off today's job applications?

Well, by checking LinkedIn for suitable vacancies.

Can you clarify what you mean by suitable vacancies?

By suitable vacancies, I mean vacancies that require skills I've acquired in the last two years - Java, Python, and Flutter.

Are there such vacancies?

There are.

The challenge is that each skill is a domain on its own and has sub-skills I may not have acquired that are often mentioned in vacancies.


Let's check the LinkedIn job board for such vacancies.

I do get notifications about junior developer jobs on LinkedIn.

Let me check them to see which are suitable.

I've checked.

I've been checking the vacancies and if I see the recruiter being mentioned, I send a connection request to the recruiter.

What I'd benefit from right now is going only for Python jobs as well as going deeper into Python.

That is, going for Python backend jobs and learning more about the Python backend.

Yes, I know Flutter, and I know Android, but these skills should be considered as personal skills that can be utilized if I want to build something for myself or if I want to put a user interface to a backend tool I create.

I can also put a web user interface to a backend tool I create using my experience with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

However, I should focus on learning more about Python and applying for Python jobs.

I applied for a junior Python role.

The vacancy was published by a German HR Company.

But I feel I didn't sell myself well in the cover letter.

It's still better than not applying at all though.

Tomorrow, I'll write a cover letter that reveals those things I didn't mention.

If you have yet to check out my portfolio or you have a vacancy, please check it out here.